The Breezy Breastfeeding Prenatal Class

Hey Mama! Want to reach your breastfeeding goals and love your motherhood?

Let me help you! This class will prepare, educate, and empower you to do just that! 

  • Simple Strategies to Protect Your Breastfeeding From Hospital Interventions and Bad Advice.

  • Easily Overcome Common Breastfeeding Hurdles.

  • Tools to Protect Your Sanity so you can Reach Your Breastfeeding Goals AND Love the Newborn Phase.

  • More Content than Other Breastfeeding Classes Designed with the Adult Learner in Mind.

  • Watch the Class On YOUR Time Instead of What Works for Someone Else's Schedule.

  • Return to Videos After Baby is Born to Refresh How to Get a Deep Latch, What to do About Nipple Pain, and more!

Why Take a Breastfeeding Class or THIS Breastfeeding Class?

You've probably been hearing stories about all the things that happened when your friends tried to breastfeed.

Over 80% of moms want to breastfeed. Breastfeeding exclusively (no formula) is healthiest in the short and long-term. Multiple studies show this. Despite what formula ads say, formula does not come close to breastmilk. Many moms know this and their goal is to exclusively breastfeed. Yet, by 6 months of age, 75% of babies are getting formula! Why? Until 100 years ago, babies were almost always exclusively breastfed by their moms. I'm sure you've heard reasons. "My milk never came in." "My baby would never latch." The #1 reason moms report stopping breastfeeding before their goal is because they think they don't have enough milk. Often times, they do have enough milk but newborns have interesting behaviors and that can look to a new mom like low milk supply. Almost all breastfeeding hurdles are circumstantial. That means there is nothing wrong with mom or baby. God's design for infant feeding is not broken. But the scenario these mamas find themselves in, the advice they get, and the decisions they make lead them to stop breastfeeding before they want to. Moms are making the best decisions they can with the information they have! There is no room for guilt in motherhood. We learn more and then we make different decisions, always asking for the Holy Spirit to guide us. Being a mother comes with a lot of humility. But so much growth! We continually have opportunities to grow in holiness through our circumstances. My goal is to give you the information you need to succeed in breastfeeding and the encouragement to create a support system around yourself. I don't just want to help you breastfeed. I want you to LOVE it and your vocation of motherhood!
smiling mom holding smiling baby

Meet Jill

RN, BSN, IBCLC, ANCLC. Your instructor and expert guide through this course, Jill has a passion for teaching and empowering parents. Jill approaches breastfeeding education with your whole family in mind. Hospital classes often focus on creating "good patients". With the Breezy Breastfeeding class, you'll feel empowered to make important decisions for your child.

  • 15+ years as a nurse working with newborns and their families (NICU and LDRP)

  • 10+ years as an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and certified as an Advanced Nurse Lactation Consultant (ANLC)

  • Author of 7 breastfeeding classes for parents and health care professionals

  • Wife. Breastfeeding mom to 7 different babies for over a year each. Mother to 6 boys on earth, and 5 in Heaven

  • Catholic who loves seeing God's beautiful design in families

Why You Should Sign Up Today

  • Watch at your own pace

    Watch videos with dad. Make some food, create a "retreat" and watch the class all in one sitting. OR watch one video each morning with your coffee or each night before you go to bed. Watch in whatever way works best for you and your schedule!

  • Video Q&A

    Send a question to Jill and receive a video response that all participants can benefit from.

  • Videos by global experts

    Learning is enriched by some of the best videos ever produced by leading breastfeeding experts.

  • Most importantly

    Reach your breastfeeding goals and love your breastfeeding journey!

  • Worry-free Guarantee!

    I don't like unnecessary stress. And I am passionate about you loving your motherhood. If this class does not help you we will refund your purchase completely!

What Others Are Saying

About The Breezy Breastfeeding Prenatal Class

“Jill is SO knowledgeable and passionate about breastfeeding! I took her class in my third trimester in order to prepare for the arrival of my little one. As a first time mom, there were a lot of overwhelming emotions I experienced preparing for baby's arrival. Jill's class gave me the tools to navigate through breastfeeding and set both myself and my little girl up for success. I felt empowered in the early stages of my breastfeeding journey- that I was able to work through problems I was experiencing successfully- all thanks to Jill. I LOVED her classes and can't recommend her enough! If you're thinking about taking her class, just do it! You won't regret it!!”


“My husband and I watched the Breezy Breastfeeding video courses during the last trimester of pregnancy, and we are so grateful we did! Jill’s content is informative, interesting and simple to understand! Breastfeeding can be so overwhelming, but Jill gave us confidence going into the birth experience and starting off the breastfeeding journey on the right foot. I would highly recommend Jill and her breastfeeding expertise!”


“I have had the joy of knowing Jill for over a decade! We worked on an in-hospital lactation team together for many years. Jill's breastfeeding knowledge is absolutely incredible and her desire to truly come along side mothers and provide them with breastfeeding education and support is purely genuine. Her passion for breastfeeding is beautiful and evident! I would highly recommend Jill's breastfeeding course!”

Jen, Grace & Able Lactation

More Topics Than Other Classes

And a section just for dads!

    1. Meet Jill

    2. Class Handouts

    1. Introduction to the Benefits of Breastfeeding

    2. Future Health Outcomes

    3. Lifestyle Benefits

    1. What Does Dad Get to Do?

    1. 9 Stages of the First Hour

    2. Preparing for Birth

    3. Preparation Logistics

    4. The First Hour

    5. Global Health Media First Hour Video

    6. Hand Expression

    1. Uses for Alternative Feeding Methods

    2. Spoon Feeding

    3. Cup Feeding

    4. Finger Feeding

    5. Supplemental Nursing System

    1. Baby Behavior

    2. Latch

    3. Global Health Media Attaching Your Baby at the Breast

    4. Breastfeeding Positions

    5. Baby's Goals

    6. Nipple Pain

Learn how to love the newborn stage!

  • 34 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content

What are you waiting for?

This class is a steal considering you will save thousands of dollars by breastfeeding. Consider the formula costs, the doctor's co-pays, medications, time off work, and life-long health savings. Did you know, if 90% of US babies were breastfed it would save 911 babies lives and $13 billion?! PLUS, I believe so strongly in educating you, if you feel this class does NOT prepare you to reach your breastfeeding goals, I will refund your money 100%! It is a win-win. Don't wait!

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Learn what you need to know to reach your breastfeeding goals, starting today